Caroline Clair
She/Her | Executive Director
Caroline Clair joined Building Roots as its Executive Director in October 2022. She brings with her 15 years of leadership experience, as well as many years as an entrepreneur in the health and wellness sector, where she specialized in working with people in marginalized bodies who face various forms of health discrimination. She is dedicated to addressing the root causes of the social determinants of health, health inequities and food insecurity, centering the voices of marginalized people. As Executive Director, Caroline is honored to build on the incredible legacy of founders Lisa Kates and Darcy Higgins, who have created a vibrant, welcoming organization for so many in the Downtown East communities. She is deeply passionate about empowering communities to achieve lasting change and helping support the coming together of folks to build community resilience. She’s also a partner, a Mom to her favorite little person, a lover of all things outdoors, and delights in sharing a meal with friends and family. Reply to this email if you'd like to say hello! Caroline@buildingroots.ca