Wishing everyone a Happy & Healthy Fall & Winter!
We at Building Roots would like to wish you a safe transition into fall and winter.
Stay tuned for listings of our upcoming events and opportunities and know that we will continue to care about your safety and wellness.
To Support the comfort and confidence of participants, our in-person programming will use the following guidelines for the near-term future:
We will prioritize venues that have good ventilation and/or the adequate space & facilities for increased distancing.
Staff, Volunteers & Participants will continue to wear masks indoors.
As many members of our community are at risk of serious complications due to COVID-19, we ask that if you are experiencing COVID symptoms, please get someone else to do your pick up at the market and please consider attending our events when you are feeling better.
We will do our best to maintain some physical distancing during workshops and DIT events.
We will limit group size to 12 participants.
Communication & outreach materials for in-person gatherings will name accessibility & accommodations in them.
We believe these are the best guidelines for our organization and community at this time. We work with community members who may face heightened vulnerability, risk, and complications due to exposure, and recognize the importance of remaining diligent in our safety efforts.
Our organization will be releasing further updates as the pandemic evolves.
Building Roots is also involved in support UHN (University Health Network) as well as other vaccine-distribution organizations.
If you are looking for more information on where or how to get vaccinated please visit the official Ontario website at: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/book-vaccine/ OR by OR calling the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900.
TTY: 1-866-797-0007 (for people who are deaf, hearing impaired, or speech impaired)
If you would like some personal support in seeking further information, we also invite you to email us at info@buildingroots.ca.